University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Loretta Sweet Jemmott is the van Ameringen Professor in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing and Director of the Center for Health Disparities Research at the University of Pennsylvania - School of Nursing. Most recently, Dr. Jemmott received the Claire M. Fagin Distinguished Researcher Award.
She also holds secondary appointments in the University's School of Medicine and Graduate School of Education. In 2004, Dr. Jemmott was appointed Assistant Provost for Gender and Minority Equity Issues for the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Jemmott has been involved in a number of research projects focusing on designing and testing culturally sensitive, developmentally appropriate, and theory-based strategies to reduce HIV risk-associated sexual behaviors among African American, South African, and Latino youth and adults.
Dr. Jemmott has received many awards for her research and community efforts, including the Congressional Merit Recognition Award, The Red Ribbon Award for outstanding service in the field of HIV/AIDS, and the Governor of New Jersey's Nurse Merit Award in Advanced Nursing Practice. She is a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing, a member of the CDC's Division of HIV, STD & TB Advisory Council, and a member of the Institute of Medicine. Most recently Dr. Jemmott received the Sigma Theta Tau International Episteme Award and the Distinguished Daughter’s of Pennsylvania (Governor’s Award).
The Crawford Lecture is presented by the University of San Francisco School of Nursing in collaboration with the USF Alumni Association and the Beta Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International.
The Crawford Lecture was endowed in the memory of Geraldine Crawford to provide education for the community.
Contact the School of Nursing at (415) 422-3691, tai@usfca.edu for more information about the March 29 event and/or to be on the event's invite list.