3rd Annual CNL Conference
June 18, 2010
“Magnetism in Action”
We want to hear your CNL stories!
The University of San Francisco invites you to submit an abstract for a presentation that showcase a success story or unique aspect of Clinical Nurse Leader practice that characterizes or provides evidence of innovation and change in health care systems.
Abstracts must be emailed, faxed or mailed, postmarked no later than May 1, 2010. Electronic submissions preferred. Submit to:
Directions for Abstract Submission:
The proposal abstract should include background information and a description of methods,
programs or practices in your CNL practice along with recommendations for others who may be considering a similar approach. Abstracts should describe original, unpublished work and can include work in progress. Selected proposals will be presented at the conference for an audience of national speakers, chief nurse executives, nurses, faculty and students.
Abstract Format:
a) The abstract must be typed in Word in 12 point Times New Roman font. All text for
the abstract must fit on one page with one-inch boarders all around. The body of the
abstract should be single-spaced.
b) The following text should appear centered and single-spaced as the first lines on the
Line 1: Title of your presentation (in all capital letters)
Line 2: The author and co-author names and credentials
Line 3: Institution/organization
Line 4: City and state
c) Leave one space between the city and state line and the body of the abstract.
d) Each abstract must be accompanied by the contact information form (see below).
Due Date: Abstracts must be emailed, faxed or mailed, postmarked no later than
May 1, 2010. Electronic submissions preferred: You will
receive an email message confirming receipt of the abstract submission.
Acceptance Notification: Authors will be notified about the status of their submission(s)
via email no later than May 20, 2010. This will be sufficient time to meet the hotel cutoff
and the conference registration deadlines. All presenters must be registered for the
conference in order to present.
For more information, please contact: Megan McDrew - email: