Project Learn Belize is excited to announce a new joint initiative with the School of Nursing at the University of San Francisco. The first phase of the SON Health Advocacy Program's participants traveled to Belize in May 2010, as part of a team to explore opportunities for ongoing collaboration between the community of Dangriga and the USF School of Nursing.
During this first trip, participants presented educational modules related to health and wellness to students, faculty, and families of Sacred Heart School in Dangriga. Outside of these presentations at the school, participants had several opportunities to engage in dialogue with health & civic leaders of the wider town community. As in all other ventures, reflective of its name, participants in programs sponsored by Project Learn Belize are exposed to, and hopefully transformed by, the realities of cultural diversity, tradition, and challenges of education, health, and governance in this developing country in the Caribbean Basin.
Contact Dr. Mary Lou De Natale for more information.