Accepting applications until Thursday, May 6, 5 pm ET. Don't wait until the last minute to:
- Read and save a copy of the Application and Program Guidance (PDF - 286 KB)
- Submit your On-line Application
- Download, complete and fax or mail your Supplemental Forms (PDF - 234 KB) and required documentation
Questions? or 1-800-221-9393 (TTY: 1-877-897-9910) weekdays (except Federal holidays) 9 am to 5 pm ET.
- To be eligible for a scholarship, by the application due date all NSP applicants must be:
- A U.S. citizen (either U.S. born or naturalized) or U.S. National; and Lawful Permanent Resident
- Enrolled or accepted as full or part time student in a nursing degree program from one of the following:
- An associate degree school of nursing – A department, division, or other administrative unit in a junior college, community college, college, or university which provides primarily or exclusively a two-year program of education in professional nursing and allied subjects leading to an associate degree in nursing or to an equivalent degree and is an accredited program;
- A collegiate school of nursing – A department, division, or other administrative unit in a college or university which provides primarily or exclusively a program of education in professional nursing and related subjects leading to a degree of bachelor of arts, bachelor of science, bachelor of nursing, graduate degree in nursing, or to an equivalent degree, and including advanced training related to such program of education provided by such school and is an accredited program; or
- A diploma school of nursing – A school affiliated with a hospital or university, or an independent school, which provides primarily or exclusively a program of education in professional nursing and allied subjects leading to a diploma or to equivalent training and is an accredited program.
- Individuals in a Reserve component of the Armed Forces or National Guard are eligible to participate in the NSP.
- Attend a nursing school or program located in a State –
The schools and educational programs for which scholarship support is requested must be in a State (includes the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Territory of Guam, the Territory of American Samoa, the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia). Students attending schools outside of these geographic areas are not eligible for Nursing Scholarships, even though they may be citizens of the United States. - Starting the nursing degree program on or before September 30, 2010.
- You are ineligible if you:
- Have any judgment liens against your property arising from a debt owed to the United Sates, and
- Have a breach of a prior service obligation, or
- Have judgment lien(s) arising from Federal debt, or
- Are excluded, debarred, suspended, or disqualified by a Federal Agency.
PLEASE NOTE: Students enrolled in LPN programs, self-paced study programs (online), bridge programs or dual degree programs are not eligible for a scholarship award.
- NSP applicants who have a history of not honoring prior legal obligations, as evidenced by one or more of the following factors, may not be selected:
- Default on a prior service obligation to the Federal government, a State or local government, or other entity, even if the applicant subsequently satisfied that obligation through service, monetary payment or other means;
- Default on any Federal payment obligations (e.g., Health Education Assistance Loans, FHA Loans, Federal income tax liabilities, federally guaranteed/insured loans such as student or home mortgage loans, etc.) or non-Federal payment obligations (e.g., court-ordered child support payments); or
- Write off of any Federal or non-Federal debt as uncollectible.
Please be advised that a credit and excluded parties list system check will be performed as part of the application process.